A Fight For Justice2024-04-23T00:45:33+00:00

A Fight for Justice

Greg Lindberg fights accusations and incarceration

Lindberg Gets Partial Victory from State Appeals Court

By |Fight for Justice, Recent News|

In a unanimous decision on December 5, 2023, the state Court of Appeals threw out an injunction and a charging order related to a $600 million judgment against Lindberg. The Appellate judges took a significant step by overturning an injunction and charging order that had previously imposed restrictions on the amount of money Lindberg could withdraw from the limited liability corporations under his ownership or control. The unresolved concerns raised by the Appeals Court now

Numerous Facts Omitted From Reporting about Lindberg’s North Carolina Insurance Companies

By |Fight for Justice, Recent News|

In various media coverage of Greg Lindberg’s case and fight for justice, there have been serious inaccuracies in the allegations of the use of insurance funds to finance personal real estate, including in Wall Street Journal reporting. For example, Mr. Lindberg never spent a single night inside the Raleigh NC house referred to in the Wall Street Journal article. This property was never used as a personal residence for Mr. Lindberg, rather it was an

Greg Lindberg Reveals How the Justice System Really Works

By |Fight for Justice|

TV crime shows and Hollywood prison movies, popular for decades, rarely inform the public of what it means to be incarcerated in a federal prison. As a person with no criminal record of any kind before being convicted of bribery in 2020, Greg Lindberg learned the hard way that the average person doesn’t stand much of a chance in the current federal system. While spending almost two years at Federal Prison Camp Montgomery in Alabama, Lindberg encountered

After Wrongful Conviction and Prison Stay, Lindberg releases 633 Days Inside

By |Fight for Justice, Freedom & Transformation|

In 2020, Greg found himself wrongly convicted of a crime, ensnared by a public official who, wearing a wire, solicited a campaign donation from him. Despite the unjust nature of his conviction, Greg utilized his time at Federal Prison Camp (FPC) Montgomery to showcase his innate ability to assist others. Whether working as a janitor, aiding in the education department, or teaching business and entrepreneurship classes to his fellow inmates, Greg forged lasting friendships during

Empowering Incarcerated Minds: Greg Lindberg’s YouTube Series

By |Fight for Justice, Video|

Greg Lindberg, a Yale graduate and former billionaire, found himself facing a seven-year sentence for bribery in North Carolina in 2020. Despite the uncertainty of his future, Lindberg entered prison determined to make the most of his time. His experience, chronicled in his book "633 Days Inside: Lessons on Life and Leadership," sheds light on his remarkable journey of personal growth and empowerment. Central to Lindberg's post-conviction endeavors is his YouTube series, where he shares

SEC Lawsuit Based on False and Politically-Motivated Claims, Greg Lindberg Says

By |Fight for Justice|

Durham NC August 30, 2022: Greg Lindberg issued this statement today regarding the filing today of a lawsuit by the Securities and Exchange Commission: I saw this movie a dozen times with my fellow inmates during my 633 days in a federal prison: the SEC makes all kinds of false allegations to try to get you to settle. They use high pressure tactics to try to roll over defendants and get them to admit things

Insurance Magnate Greg E. Lindberg Released from Prison

By |Fight for Justice|

Greg E. Lindberg was been released from Federal Prison Camp Montgomery in Alabama. The release follows the overturning of his convictions by a federal appeals court. U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn granted Lindberg's release the day after the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals nullified his convictions and ordered a new trial. The 4th Circuit panel ruled on June 29 that Judge Cogburn had made an error by providing misleading instructions to the jurors before their

Exclusive Interview with Greg Lindberg About His Case

By |Fight for Justice|

North Carolina businessman Greg Lindberg is fighting for his freedom after a controversial prosecution by the federal government. Insurance entrepreneur Greg Lindberg is currently appealing his conviction for allegedly bribing North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey. From the outset, Lindberg has argued that the whole case was retribution because Lindberg supported Causey’s opponent in the election and that his donations funded some nasty attack ads that made Causey look bad at that time. He has

Greg Lindberg becomes founding donor of non-profit organization, Interrogating Justice

By |Fight for Justice|

Greg Lindberg is a staunch advocate for equitable, just, and fair treatment for all individuals within the criminal justice system. Drawing from personal experience, he recognizes the system's flaws and is committed to instigating change. In 2020, Lindberg took a significant step by founding Interrogating Justice, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and promoting solutions to address corruption within government entities. This non-partisan think tank, comprised of a team of attorneys, advocates, and allies,

Greg Lindberg Makes $1 Million Donation To Fight Mass Incarceration, Over-Criminalization, And Racial Injustice

By |Fight for Justice|

“People have taken to the streets nationwide to air their frustration with a system that is stacked against them,” says Greg Lindberg, the founder of Global Growth, a group of over 100 companies worldwide focused on healthcare and technology. “This contribution is meant to help people who don’t have the resources to fight injustice,” says Lindberg. Lindberg pledged $1 million to the ACLU’s Criminal Law Reform Project (CLRP) which focuses its work on the “front

Greg’s Early Life:

Humble Beginnings

Starting in Business:

Learning Business Lessons

Building Success:

The Global Growth Story

Fight for Justice:

Accusations & Incarceration

A Renewed Man:

Freedom & Transformation

“The day you stop asking questions, relax and rest on your accomplishments is the day you start dying.”

Greg Lindberg

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